Monday, March 23, 2009

No Excuses.

It's been almost 3 weeks since I wrote a blog. It's been a busy 3 weeks: I moved from Nashville to Athens, legally and officially became Sally Baker, almost finished unpacking and organizing the house, hosted several house guests, began training the pup, actually spent time with my husband, built and planted a flower bed in front of our house, started season 4 of The West Wing (possibly the best show ever made... 24 comes awfully close), started the job search, began doing some work for Rose of Athens Theatre here in Athens, lost 2 pounds, and missed my Nashville friends terribly.

But no excuses. I had time to write and I just didn't.

I'm continually intimidated by writing... wanting to pen something meaningful and poignant without being contracted by Hallmark for their Touching Hearts, Touching Lives line of greeting cards.

So, what's the topic of choice for this entry? If you know, please clue me in-- I am not sure myself.

I'll just say this-- though the current state of my life and my work often feels a little directionless... scattered... unfocused, I am blessed to wake up with Brad each day, spend some time thinking/praying/meditating on the real purpose for my life, slow down long enough to reflect on the experiences that have come before, and trust that my energy is not wasted.

It's also really nice to wake up at 9:00am each morning. I don't think I've ever done that in the history of me.

Perhaps the next weeks (and the next blog entries) will be blessed with a clearer direction. I certainly hope so, for all of our sake.


Anonymous said...

Nine. A. M.

*sooooo jealous*

I cant tell you how much I would love to wake up at 9 every morning.

Enjoy it.

Theresa Garcia said...

Love you and I know that the direction is going to come soon.

candice said...

FINALLY!!!! I am right there with you when it comes to the direction of my life!

Ashley Grizzle said...

Every blogger does this. Even if you're thoughts are random now, this will point to a bigger picture soon. Promise.